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Rainforest Alliance Certification

By Belmio - January 9, 2023

Together, we strive for a sustainable and healthy coffee chain

The aroma and taste of our coffee says it all; Belmio is synonymous with joy. This is why we want every link in the coffee chain to experience joy, receive adequate care and achieve a high level of wellbeing. Whether it be the environment, companies or farmers who grow our coffee.

One of the most traded commodities in the world, coffee is of great general interest. Operating in a vast industry, Belmio chooses to take care of our core product and the environment to ensure that our coffee is cultivated and consumed sustainably. People drink their Belmio coffee all over the world. Which means that protecting our base is paramount. Caring for every single link in the coffee production chain is something we consider a matter of public interest.


What we do to make this joy a reality 

Sustainably grown and produced coffee is better for people and the environment alike, but companies tend to overlook both. This is the main reason why we partnered up with RFA, a certification label that keeps tabs on working conditions, conservation and the rainforest for various products including coffee. They ensure that coffee farmers get a fair price for their produce while handling the environment in a sustainable way. To give you a good overview of the benefits to farmers, workers, their families and the planet as a whole, we will discuss the 3 well-known pillars of our collaboration with RFA: people, planet and profit.


Working at a Rainforest Alliance Certified farm means that the human rights of coffee farmers and workers are safeguarded, making these farms better and safer places to work and live. Farmers and workers tend to live on or nearby the area where the coffee is grown and RFA helps ensure that these people can meet their basic needs, such as decent housing, access to clean drinking water, sanitation and healthcare.

Hazardous conditions are prevented by providing workers and farmers with the necessary protective clothing to ensure their safety on the job. Furthermore, the Rainforest Alliance actively bans child or forced labour, gender inequality and all kinds of discrimination.


Everything related to the harvesting and production of Belmio coffee is done with respect for the environment and nature. RFA-certified farms pay close attention to the use and consumption of land, water and energy. They respect natural resources such as coffee and water in their living and working environments. Polluting and waste-generating products, such as artificial fertilisers and pesticides, are limited in order to maintain a clean and natural environment.

Farmers receive tips, tricks and training on how to carefully manage waste, preserve forested and protected areas and conserve biodiversity (such as animals and plants). They learn climate-smart farming techniques to help preserve and protect the plant and its environment from the impact of climate change.


Rainforest Alliance-associated farmers and workers learn how to use climate-smart farming techniques to help improve the quality of their crop and ultimately the quality of Belmio coffee itself.

They receive guidance to help achieve higher yields at lower costs. In the long term, these techniques guarantee increased productivity and a higher income for the very people who make our coffee possible in the first place. Furthermore, they learn how to negotiate (better) prices for their products. Higher yields, lower costs and better prices means that their profits improve, resulting in a better life for the farmers, workers and their families alike.

The Rainforest Alliance seal on our Belmio coffee packaging

The green Rainforest Alliance® frog is a symbol of environmental, social and economic sustainability and can be found on farm and forest products around the world including our own Belmio coffee packaging. The label focuses on environmentally friendly agricultural practices as well as biodiversity conservation and growth.

We are proud to use the new Rainforest Alliance seal on our packaging, which guarantees that the Belmio coffee you buy respects the 3 Ps mentioned above. The new Rainforest Alliance seal features on 19 of our coffee products (alumnium capsules) since 2018. The remaining four products are certified organic. Check out the Rainforest Alliance seal on almost all of our packaging! 

The seal represents our partnership with the Rainforest Alliance. It embodies Belmio’s collaboration with RFA towards a vision of a sustainability pathway based on continuous improvement, transparency and shared responsibility between farmers and companies to achieve our mission: to create a better future for people and nature by making responsible business conduct the new normal.

We want to be part of a positive change in the coffee industry and bring joy to every link in the chain.

Join us in making durable, responsible decisions

Together, we work to restore the harmony between people and nature and create a world where we thrive in unison. We want to be part of a positive change in the coffee industry and bring joy to every link in the chain. Join us in making durable, responsible decisions by buying Rainforest Certified Belmio coffee. This will support the people tasked with harvesting and processing our coffee and help protect the nature where Belmio coffee grows.

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